Tomi complies with all confidentiality rules and guidelines distributed by the Australian Psychologists’ Society and to the requirements of the Privacy Act.
As part of providing a counselling service to you, Tomi will need to collect and record personal information that is relevant to your current situation. This information will be a necessary part of the psychological assessment and treatment that is conducted. You are not obligated to give all your personal information, but if you don’t it may mean the psychological service cannot be provided to you.
Information gathered is part of the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of your condition, and is seen only by your psychologist. The information is retained in order to document what happens during sessions and enables Tomi to provide a relevant and informed psychological service.
At any stage you are entitled to access the information about you that is kept on file, unless the relevant legislation provides otherwise. Tomi can discuss appropriate forms of access with you.
All personal information gathered by Tomi during the provision of the psychological service will remain confidential and secure, except where:
If you intend to claim rebates from Medicare or another organisation (such as WorkSafe or TAC) Tomi is required to provide summary reports regarding your treatment progress. Under the Medicare scheme these reports will normally be sent to your GP or psychiatrist.